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Thursday, July 02, 2009


dissertations to buy

Blogs are so interactive where we get lots of informative on any topics nice job keep it up !!

Dave Patten

I loved ever minute of this article, after having just watched the first hour of Public Enemies and forcibly ejecting the disk from my computer. I though maybe I was missing something, but after having watched Miami Vice, Collateral and now this... my suspicions are confirmed. Michael Mann is one of the worst directors of all time.
Michael Bay may not chose the deepest stories to tell, but at least he can arrange nice shots & compositions and keep the camera still... Mann tries to achieve a hand-held look but the entire time I seriously feel like I'm watching a home movie with my 6 year old nephew holding the camera. It drives me nuts. And because of this terrible direction, it makes Depp look like a bad actor. It makes everyone look bad. haha I'm still in shock.

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