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Thursday, August 16, 2007


R. A. Porter

Suhweet! But you know I'm as bad as you and have to toss in some suggestions, so how 'bout these?

- It's a parent-child talent contest at school, so he actually does get to be mean...about Bitchy PTO Mom

- Because of her interview, her blogging really gets the attention of the network and show's producers. Their ratings the year prior showed the first signs of slippage of the show, so they want to add some juice. They pay our plucky blogger to keep doing what she's doing, but with all-access granted. Going this way, the initial interview can be much more contentious and sparky so there's an Act 2 softening and the eventual Act 3 realization of love. The Harry Met Sally approach, sort of. She has to miss the final, live competition because her kid needs her for the talent show. Mom had started to get full of herself from the attention of Simon-clone and America in general, but she gets her wakeup call just in time to head home, a la Ben Affleck in "Jersey Girl"

- Personally, I think this is more Sandra Bullock's kind of role. Drew just can't do prickly.

- It does suck that it can't be Hugh. So perfect for the role. Although I did like Tim Curry's rendition on "Psych".


Thanks for the input, Rich. I like Sandra Bullock, she could definitely work.

I personally would love to see Clive Owen in the Simon role because well, he's Clive, and it might be fun to see him do something light and romantic for a change.


i feel like i just watched a movie already.

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