Well, I'm back from Houston where my family and I watched Rutgers stomp on Kansas State to win their first ever bowl game. What an awesome experience. While we were disappointed that RU didn't get to a BCS bowl (that Orange Bowl should have been ours!) it worked out in the end -- because WE WON and that's all that matters. Of course, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do for the next eight months, now that I've become addicted to Rutgers football.
And while Rutgers most likely lost money by going to the Texas Bowl (the payout being tiny), it worked out well for us personally because my brother lives outside of Houston and this gave us a chance to visit his family. We hit the Aquarium, the Hard Rock Cafe, and the Johnson Space Center and celebrated New Year's Eve together.
Now vacation is over, and it's time to get back to real life. The house is a mess and I'm suddenly obsessed with organizing our shit. I also have to detox my body, having gone a little overboard on vacation -- I had pizza, nachos, cheeseburgers, donuts, beer, and a brownie, ice cream sundae -- all those nasty, yet delicious, things I normally avoid. It's a wonder I can move. Luckily, I only gained a couple of pounds and eventually I will get back to the gym (hopefully by Friday). But the most amazing thing is how good I felt on vacation. I didn't get congested on the airplane; didn't pick up any colds from my fellow travellers; didn't get any migraines (from staying up late, flying, drinking beer) and I didn't even get a stiff neck from bad hotel pillows.
It's a new year, and it's time to move forward. I think I'm ready. Are you?
Happy New Year; welcome back; go, R.U.!
Posted by: Liz | Wednesday, January 03, 2007 at 01:37 PM
i've just been away skiing with a bunch of people, most of whom were ill with colds, coughs, fevers and the like, then went to a new years party where loads of people were germy, my kids have been coughing on me (as usual) and the man i share my sleeping space with has had a cold for the past 3 weeks. strangely, i'm feeling fine. what is going on? will i flop once term starts again? are mothers equipped with better immune systems than everyone else in the world?
Posted by: mad muthas | Thursday, January 04, 2007 at 06:23 PM
I was commenting on how healthy I was on vacation only because it was not normal for me. Now that I'm home I'm back to being sick. Caught my fourth cold of the season. And I'm miserably depressed about it. I must have the weakest immune system of anybody I know.
Posted by: Lizbeth | Friday, January 05, 2007 at 07:39 AM
I would like to thank the author of this article for contributing such a lovely and mind-opening article.
Term papers
Posted by: Account Deleted | Monday, December 21, 2009 at 01:54 AM