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Saturday, October 07, 2006



Gotta love the Welcome Back Kotter theme. Not just because John Sebastian is a good songwriter but because during the song they showed MY Brooklyn! Although I didn't actually live in the area shown (Bensonhurst) I was near enough to enjoy the first on-screen representation of a world close to my own. The fact that my father even looked like Gabe Kaplan back then, I actually grew up with a Puerto Rican Jew and I myself am a part-Italian Jew was just the icing on the cake!
You mentioned most of the standout faves. An obscure, short lived favorite--Square Pegs.
Other faves: Baretta, Hawaii 5-O, Three's Company, WKRP! And how has Brady Bunch not been mentioned? My 6 year old caught a BB marathon on TVland recently and even she knows that one!

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