How do I know? Because the CRITICS love it! And so far, all the shows that critics have loved -- I have found to be UNWATCHABLE.
UGLY BETTY - hailed as "sweet" and "original" was actually "obnoxious" and a blatant rip-off of "The Devil Wears Prada." As a half hour show, Betty might slide by, as an hour -- NEVER. I don't know about you, but my time is too precious to waste.
THE CLASS - I sat in on a preview of this in July in Vegas and thought the pilot was so stupid, and UNFUNNY -- that it would actually never air on TV. But for some reason, the critics love it. Probably because it's by David Crane so they think it must be wonderful. Unfortunately, it makes Joey look like high art. I wonder if the critics would still like this one if they watched it like me, unknowing that the folks behind Friends created it.
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS - Hailed by critics as "mesmerizing" -- and yet, I turned it off after 15 minutes. I couldn't understand anything that was going on, because besides having nine million cast members, the jerks in charge decided to shoot the entire episode as if it were a 30 second commercial. The camera MOVED NON-STOP. Actors were filmed in CLOSE-UPS for no reason except to confuse us as to where they were and who they were interacting with (yes, I love me some Kyle Chandler, but I don't need to see constant close-ups of him when I'm trying to get to know the people around him).
And the shaky camera thing -- I HATE IT. It the reason I NEVER WATCHED NYPD BLUES. It doesn't make the show feel like a documentary (as some suggest) - it makes it feel like the cameraman is drunk and that the show is taking place during an apparent earthquake. If you have a real story and real actors -- let the damn scene play out. Don't make a million cuts to distract us. The style here is so contrived and unwieldly, that it never gave me a chance to lose myself in what could be good writing/acting. I'll never know. I've crossed this one off my "must-see" list.
After switching off Friday Night Lights, I found something truly entertaining -- Little People, Big World. After that, I remained away from DREADFUL NETWORK PROGRAMMING and watched Dirty Jobs -- because Mike Rowe is a man who truly does provide "mesmerizing" television. The man makes cow poop hilarious!
I guess in the past, we watched subpar network television because we didn't have a choice. But on any given night, I can usually find something way more interesting on A&E, or Discovery, or Bravo. And in a pinch, I'll watch the Soapnet over CSI-whatever.
So yes, I will tune into watch The Nine pilot, because it is on after Lost and I want to find another show that intrigues me. But, I'm a tough cookie. This one better hold me from the beginning with a good story and great characters -- and cut the bull quick -- or else I'm outta there faster than you can say Dirty Jobs.
Shaky camera thing: We came home today and ALL MY CHILDREN was on...and it was doing the shaky camera thing! I don't watch soaps anymore, but I know how they're SUPPOSED to appear. It didn't even seem to have that dreamy soap opera look. I hate the shaky style! And a lot of the new shows...
Posted by: Angela Giles Klocke | Wednesday, October 04, 2006 at 03:59 PM
I'm cOmMITTEd To WaTChING MikE rOWe -- the MAN Is HOT! -- AnD cOW Poo tHing lAsT NIGHT Was TotaLLY fuNNy!
SorRY, DON't knoW WHaT iS uP wiTh mY KEYboARD -- soMEtHing eLsE BroKe In My HouSe...GO FIgure!
Posted by: Liz | Thursday, October 05, 2006 at 08:58 PM