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Monday, April 10, 2006


Marisa Karplus

I found your blog because I just read an article about menstruation suppression on cnn.com (http://www.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/05/22/no.more.periods.ap/index.html) and I was searching for some opposing opinions, since this shoddy piece of journalism hardly even alluded to the idea that any exist. I came across Dr. Rako's book and then I read through some blogs. I actually read your original posting from 2004 about Seasonale first. I ended up getting sucked in and read almost everything between then and now. I'm so glad you came back to this issue in 2006 so I could tell you how much I agree with you (without it seeming irrelevant or outdated!).
Without knowing much, my first instinct when reading about this on cnn.com was to be extremely skeptical. I am now trying to read as much as I can.
I've really enjoyed reading your blog. Keep up the good work and good luck with your film/tv projects!


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Seasonale side effects may include spotting or bleeding between periods. Although annoying, breakthrough bleeding usually doesn't indicate a serious underlying problem.

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