I've been tagged with a Meme by unblague, so here goes:
1. Three things you'd like to SEE in your lifetime, whether or not you think it's likely.
1. Female directors will make up 50% of those who are Oscar-nominated. Because right now, "The U.S. Senate is more progressive than Hollywood. Female Senators: 9%, Female directors: 4%."
2. The healthcare industry will go through a drastic overall. Insurance will cover alternative medicine, and not just invasive procedures. And we will all wake up and realize that we've let pharmaceutical companies turned us into a nation of chronically-ill, pill-poppers.
3. The Mommy Wars will end for good. Women will be able to balance careers and family without a hitch, with the support of flexible workplaces, a government that recognizes the unpaid work that caretakers provide, and husbands who willingly do 50% of the parenting/domestic duties.
2. Three SPOTs that you have visited that are "must see".
1. Grand Caymen Islands
-- If you love the beach, like I do, this is a definite destination.
Unlike other tropical tourist traps, this island actually has money. I
feel way too much guilt enjoying sun and sand when surrounded by the
abject poverty of the residents.
2. Los Angeles -- If you
love all things movies, like me, then you must visit the heart of it
all. It's a fun place to visit, just not sure I could live full-time
in the land of make-believe. Still, I kinda dug the laid-back, surfer,
health-nut vibe.
3. New York City -- Because I live so
close, I sometimes take this city for granted. It has the exact
opposite vibe of Hollywood -- it's way more high-strung! Still, no
matter how many times I enter the city, I always feel like humming "New
York, New York." Once you've been to NYC, all other cities seem like
mere "towns."
3. Three people you'd like to see RUN for public office and why.
1. George Clooney. He's already political and outspoken, so why not? Plus, he's hot.
2. Susan Sarandon -- She's also political and outspoken, and why the hell can't a FEMALE celebrity throw her hat into the ring?
3. Chelsea Clinton
-- It's in her blood. She was raised in the White House, and people
would probably relate to her a lot more than they do Hilary. And I'm
willing to bet that she's a lot smarter than our current Prez.
Now tag three people.
Okay, you're it: This Full House, Oscar Bound, and Genuine.
Loved all of your responses...and would totally vote for George -- purrrr!
Posted by: Liz | Tuesday, April 18, 2006 at 01:02 PM