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Sunday, February 08, 2004



Hi Liz,
In reference to your comments on the lack of "Wizard of Oz" movies. It is so coincidental that you bring this up in your blog today because I just happen to be reading "The Annotated Wizard of Oz" right now, being slightly nuts about all things Oz myself, and was just bemoaning this very fact with my kids yesterday!! Strange. The book is chock full of informative Oz/L. Frank Baum tidbits--among them, the fact that Walt Disney has owned the rights to the remaining 13 Oz books since 1956. You probably know that they did make one movie--"The Return to Oz"--in 1985 with Fairuza Balk starring as Dorothy (hasn't she recently turned up in some independent films to some acclaim?). It was not received very well, probably mainly due to the fact that it was nothing like the beloved 1939 musical version of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz." I am not sure if Disney still owns the rights to the Oz books or not, but I agree that with the success of Harry, LOTR, and hopefully Narnia, we may see a brave director/producer take this series on in the future and do it justice--enough time has passed since the 1939 version to give it new life. (Don't get me wrong--it's one of my favorite movies of all time, but its formula can't and-- I don't think should--be duplicated!) Baum's imagination knew no bounds, and it's a shame attention is paid mainly to the first of the Oz books. He was an interesting man, very involved in theatrical productions of his works as well. BTW, one thing I would like to get my hands on is a copy of "The Dreamer of Oz" television movie from--I think-- 1991, that starred John Ritter. Anyway, that's my two cents on Oz for the day, sis!

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