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Tuesday, February 17, 2004



LOL! I work at Funtime America and I just happened to randomly find this by searching for it on Google. I must say, you are 100%. I thought the same thing... to gamble away money to win something that'll be lost behind a bed for years or can be swallowed by a kid is 100x's worse than gambling. Come by Funtime America, look for the kids with the "Jimmy" nametag it's really a button), and I'll give ya some tokes for free ;)


Took my daughter to Funtime America last Saturday and she and her friends had a great time, they loved the games, rides and the whole experience. I think if your trying to escape noise you should try a day spa getaway. I will be taking my daughter again next year and we'll all enjoy the "noise". mother hear me roar, next time you go to an entertainment place...try taking a xanax.

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