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Monday, February 16, 2004



Good observation about Sex and the City. I hadn't noticed the lack of the column voice-over. All I noticed was the lack of chemistry between Carrie and the Russian, and how all it takes to make the quintessential New Yorker into a rube is to move them to Paris.


Hey there -- I think what you're having here is a little bit of PPD. ;) I'm feeling it, too: the novel I've been working on for the last 4 months is finally done, as of last week, and although I have a ton of things I need to be working on -- essays, a book proposal, stuff for LiteraryMama -- I feel at loose ends, out of sorts, a little lost now that I'm not hanging out with my characters every day, plotting their next move and wondering if I'm pulling it off effectively once I've written it all down. Anyway, this is all a long way of saying that I think a kind of funk at the end of a creative project is natural -- it's the end of something, and the beginning of something else. More specifically, the end of your control over something and the beginning of your surrender to other people's interpretation of your creative efforts. Hang in there!

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