So glad that my teenage son is white and that he most likely won't be profiled by the color of his skin. That he can walk out the front door with his saggy shorts and teen attitude and won't be immediately profiled as a thug.
Nope, he's just a dopey, sometimes mopey teen still growing into himself. Some days he does stupid things (don't we all?), he might be swayed by the crowd. But most days, god, he's still the most amazing young man on the planet, and I still adore him with all of my heart. He's my son. And he's my world. And I'd do anything for him.
Thank god he doesn't do stupid things hardly ever. But god forbid he ever walks out that door and gets into terrible trouble, I hope to god he gets a good cop, the kind who assumes he's a good kid, and not, you know, a thug, and I hope he's the kind of cop who doesn't panic and immediately unload his weapon and fire ten times on an unarmed teen who maybe did something stupid, and is stronger than he knows, and then made things worse by panicking (because god forbid he grew up in a racially-charged neighborhood that taught him not to trust cops who seem rather trigger-happy, and the cops, well they don't trust the kids either, because they don't know them except they represent something by the color of their skin).
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