How do we immerse ourselves in a loving attitude?
I try to do it by getting up each and every day and making a concentrated effort to be more loving to myself and others. The hope is I will start my day off each day on a positive note. If I can do that, hopefully I will be able to handle whatever the day throws at me, and I will be able to do so in a calm and loving manner.
However, like I've said repeatedly, I'm still a Student of Love who needs constant and consistent practice, so it's not easy and I'm no Mother Teresa. I am, hopefully, someone who is growing beyond the limitations of ego enough that I have more loving moments each day than I used to have.
It only takes a couple of minutes, but a quick attitude adjustment each morning might just be enough to keep us on track - lovewise -- throughout our busy, demanding days.
My advice to myself is as follows:
* Model yourself on people who seem especially loving, kind and compassionate.
* Make attempts to love even those people who sometimes bug you the most.
* Love people for who they are and not who you think they are.
* Love more than you think you can because it will open your heart even wider.
* Live in the moment and stop worrying about the past or the future.
* Live as if you love each and every moment of your day....even the really tough moments.
* Make a daily effort to let go of anger, fear, doubt, and ego.
* Live totally in your heart, and get out of your head.
* Live totally in your soul, and never forget you are an eternal being of light.
* Lower your standards of perfection and let yourself off the hook for mistakes.
* Keep working on you, and don’t let anyone tell you who or what you should be.
* Find meaning and purpose by pursuing the things you love with passion and commitment.