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Nicole Skyer

I think the way you explained things to your son was very accurate and eloquent. However, I have to disagree with any suggestion that there should be compassion or understanding for that man or any of the others involved in this disgusting tragedy. Joe Paterno would not have to stand up against "tremendous outside pressure". He was revered and yielded tremendous power at that school. He could have stopped it in an instant! How do these people even sleep at night knowing what they allowed to continue?? I'm sure I haven't always been the bravest person in lesser matters but i'd like to believe if I stumbled upon someone sexually assaulting a minor in a shower, i'd do the right thing no matter the personal cost. It is our culture of cover up and "blaming the victims" that prevents the victims from speaking up for themselves. The pain of knowing people knew and didn't do anything may be far greater than the wounds from the sex acts themselves. So, no pity, no compassion, not ever.


I hear you Nicole...the whole thing is sickening. Believe me the compassion I have for Joe is small, and really isn't about him as much as it is about me trying to see through the lens of pure, forgiving LOVE and accept that sometimes even good people do vile things...However, underneath all that, they are still human...they are still worthy of love then, maybe if not compassion.

Unfortunately, we live in a culture where it's easy to look the other way. I believe we do have a responsibility towards each other and my hope is that we will become a more compassionate, loving culture overall.

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