I have a horror screenplay sitting on my laptop waiting to be revised...AGAIN...and I am trying to find the energy and inspiration to dive back in and make the necessary changes. Problem is, the script doesn't just need a fresh coat of paint, it needs some major RE-ENVISIONING!
But in order to do this re-envisioning (and really look at it with fresh eyes)I've needed to take some space from it, mostly beause I needed to forget all the major revising I did last time (which I admit I became a wee bit attached to). Killing your babies, it seems, becomes easier the more time goes by (once writing amnesia has set in) and you forget all the work you already put into the thing. Still, sometimes it's hard not to get discouraged, when despite your commitment and hard work, the script still isn't quite right.
The only thing to do (or so I've been told) is to stay strong and go back in for another round of revisions & re-envisioning.