Read this article, Understanding the Vulnerability of Men.
Moms always agree it's difficult to raise girls, with their raw emotions on display, but I would say it's equally hard to raise boys in a society that has so many rules regarding what it means to be manly. Our culture dictates our sons be strong, silent, disconnected from their emotions and vulnerability...and I don't think all these gadgets are helping things. There's so many ways to escape when what is perhaps really needed is more ways to express what's inside without stuffing it down.
Fiona's Run
Been reading a lot about the inequality in Hollywood, not just about the lack of jobs for female directors/writers but also how warped it is that actresses aren't allowed to age. Kind of sad that by the time a woman turns 29 in Hollywood she's deemed TOO OLD to play the wife or girlfriend to Leonardo DiCaprio or George Clooney or all the other old farts whom we are expected to believe can still kick ass and get barely-legal ass well into their 60s and 70s.
Talk about male fantasy. Sadly, it's porn mentality that rules Hollywood, and I call it porn mentality, because women exist as beautiful blank slates, who are just here for men's gaze, sexual gratification, and entertainment. And the men in power, who make these films, see nothing wrong with that. They don't even question that maybe, just maybe, WOMEN AREN'T HERE FOR MEN'S ENTERTAINMENT. We have our stories to tell too!
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