33...that's how many pages I completed on the new script I'm writing. And it only took me 9 days. Not bad considering I had a migraine for 5 of those days, 2 of which were so debilitating I could barely get out of bed. And I also had an endoscopic procedure thrown in for good measure. It's been a "typical" week for a Lymie.
33...maybe not a lot to writers who are prolific and grinding out pages daily, but I have barely written anything (other than an essay here and there)since November 2013 when I took part in NaNoWriMo. My brain, thanks to Lyme Disease, has been MIA. So progress, no matter how big or small, is CELEBRATED.
As a writer, the loss of creative and cognitive ability has at times been more devastating than all the bone-crushing pain and soul-crushing fatigue I've experienced for three long years now.
Yes, there have been days when every cell in my body hurts and I can barely lift my arms, I'm so tired. But if I have just a small portion of my brain working, it makes it so much easier to get through it. And so much easier to feel human, as if I'm truly alive.
Unfortunately, Lyme is a terrorist, who attacks from the shadows and never lets up. I have been attacking it back for close to 8 months now, and although it doesn't always seem like I'm getting any better, I know that I am, because a year ago I had trouble writing a coherent paragraph. And this week, despite significant pain, I wrote 33 pages...
#chroniclyme #lymeawareness #chroniclymewarrior #celebratehealth
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